This is service design doing (1) — What is service design?
Design thinking, experience design, UX, CX

When organizations understand the importance of customer experience, they often start tracking satisfaction.
Service design principles:
- Human-Centered: Consider the experience of all the people affected by the service.
- Collaborative: Stakeholders of various backgrounds and functions should be actively engaged in the service design process.
- Iterative: Service design is an exploratory, adaptive, and experimental approach, iterating toward implementation.
- Sequential: The service should be visualized and orchestrated as a sequence of interrelated actions.
- Real: Needs to be researched in reality, ideas prototyped in reality, and intangible values evidenced as physical or digital reality.
- Holistic: Services should sustainably address the needs of all stakeholders through the entire service and across the business.
Research Data
Research data is one of the core tools of service design.
There are 2 types of data: raw data and interpreted data.
Raw Data: Any data collected during research that has not been filtered by a researcher, such as pure statistics like how many people enter a shop or videos of a customer using a product.
Types of raw data:
- Text (field notes, transcripts, etc.)
- Numbers (statistics, metrics, etc)
- Photos and screenshots
- Videos
- Audio recordings
- Artifacts (tickets, info flyers, maps, etc.)
Interpreted Data: The researcher's attempts to explain or understand the raw data.
Examples of interpreted data:
- Key insights
- Pain points
- User stories
- Personas
- Journey Maps
- System Maps